MaryAlice Isleib

Executive Director

MaryAlice Isleib’s 1979 short term mission trip as a basketball player changed not only her destiny, but the destiny of her family. Her father, Jack Isleib, was so deeply touched by the results, that he and his wife Rosa, stepped out in faith to start Christian Sports Outreach Int’l in 1984.

During Jack and Rosa’s time, Christian Outreach International had released over 25,000 short-term and full-time missionaries, established mission base properties, English as Second Language Schools, Mission Training Schools, and diverse mission projects world-wide.

In 2004, at Jack’s passing, MaryAlice, a long standing COI Board member and ordained minister, was asked by the Board to take leadership of the organization. She agreed, and combines her itinerant ministry with directing  COI.

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Jack & Rosa Isleib
COI Founders

MaryAlice and the COI Team have continued to mobilize thousands of believers and churches to action. They ignite volunteerism and compassion in participants. They also encourage leadership, full-time service, and passion to advance the Kingdom through local and worldwide outreaches.  SInce 2005, over 5,000 have been mobilized to 30 mission and disaster relief sites. Bringing hope and healing to the nations, COI continues Jack and Rosa Isleib’s legacy of mission and outreach.

In her 30th year of full-time ministry, MaryAlice leads with experience, credibility and a reputation for integrity. She is assisted in decision making by the COI Board, and COI Advisory Council.

MA speaking 2MaryAlice maintains her speaking and teaching ministry that is celebrated in over 50 nations. Educated in evangelistic ministry at Oral Roberts University and Rhema Bible Training Center, she is a certified Crisis/Trauma Response Counselor, and author of best-selling books, Effective Fervent Prayer and Healing Toxic Emotions. She is available to speak in church, mission, and women’s events.

MaryAlice can be reached at

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