The Father’s Love


As Christians, we tend to get so caught up in doing that we can forget the most important thing – the Father’s love.  When we get saved, we are told that we are well and that we need to make disciples for Christ. This statement is only partly true, because yes we do have access to everything we need to be well and make disciples for Christ, but we are only at the beginning of the journey.

What I mean is, we often come to Christ with hurts that we have to allow Him to heal first, learn how to forgive and walk in forgiveness and really allow the Father to pour out His love for us first.  If I have not experienced the Father’s love then how can I pass it on.  For most of us it is very easy to believe in our heads that the Father loves me, but do we really truly intimately know and have a heart knowledge of His love? Do we really know through personal experience the unconditional love of the Father?

For some of us, one thing that stops us from having that experience is an imperfect earthly father or the lack of a earthly father.  Then we need to forgive those father’s and allow God to heal those hurts.  For others of us it is the ungodly beliefs that we have, like “Why did God send or allow this bad situation in my life?”

If God is Good and He is love then we know He did not send  that situation, but when something goes wrong we blame God.  So then we must forgive God and begin to believe His truth.  The Bible says that God is love all the time and He loves me no matter what happens.

I’m learning and relearning some very important lessons this week.  I am excited to say that I won’t stop learning until I get to heaven.  I want to know, really truly know the Heavenly Father that calls me His daughter and is wildly in love with me.  I want to allow His love to overwhelm me like a surname and then drown in it.  I want like Paul and shed everything that stops me from experiencing my Father’s love.
Patrice Dmitriev, COI Ukraine


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